College Visits


Hi High School!

If you are looking into your next steps after high school, one of the best things that you can do is to attend one of our college visits. We have so many schools visiting us via Zoom to discuss the perks of their university. Each visit is at 3 pm. Feel free to pick and choose the schools that you would be interested in. Attending these meetings can give clarity and help you to know what would be important for you as you decide on a school to attend.

Here is the list of upcoming visits:


10/27/2020 Pennco Tech – Bristol (ZOOM LINK) 3:00 PM
10/28/2020 Carnegie Mellon University (ZOOM LINK) 9:00 AM
10/28/2020 Esperanza College (ZOOM LINK) 11:00 AM
10/28/2020 Lehigh University (ZOOM LINK) 1:00 PM
11/2/2020 Chestnut Hill College (ZOOM LINK) 3:00 PM
11/10/2020 Elizabethtown College (ZOOM LINK) 3:00 PM
11/12/2020 Delaware College of Art and Design (ZOOM LINK) 3:00 PM
11/16/2020 Clarion University (ZOOM LINK) 3:00 PM
11/18 Moore College of Art and Design (ZOOM LINK) 1:00 PM


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