Our Sports

After school is a time for students to dig even deeper into their interests. We offer seven sports at our academy, and we have connections to five outside sports programs.

If you any questions, contact Mr. Dailey for more information (jdailey@neacademy.net).





Boys Basketball

Girls’ Basketball

Girls Flag Football

Girls Volleyball

Outside Sports Programs


After-School Clubs

We offer several clubs: Student Government, Envirotoros, Spanish Reading, Robotics, Photography, Media Arts (Film), Military Prep, Performing Arts (EA Dance Ensemble), Boys to Men, Knitting & Crocheting, LGBTQ, English Speaking, Youth United in Christ, Art/Anime, and Auto-Mechanics.

Fill out the sign-up form here.

Mouseover any image to learn more about our clubs.

Student Government

Meeting Time: Tuesday & Thursday after 9th Period in Room 216. Students vote for their representatives in a student lead mock government. Contact Mr. Jackson for more details at jjackson@neacademy.net.


Meeting Time: 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month @ 3:10 pm in Room 103. This program is geared to increase environmental awareness and stewardship. We will participate in community events such as creek clean ups, a 5K walk, and more! Please contact Ms. Heineman for more info at theineman@neacademy.net.

Spanish Reading Club

Meeting Time: Tuesday @ 3:10 pm in Room 207. Students can sharpen their Spanish speaking/reading skills in a fun way while reading various material consisting of Spanish culture. Contact Ms. Arreaza for more information at aarreaza@neacademy.net.

Robotics Club

Meeting Time: Friday and/or Monday after 9th Period in Room 100A. Students will learn the basics of engineering and practice their skills by building small machines. Please contact Mr. Roberts for more info at croberts@neacademy.net.

Photography Club

Students that are interested in photography will be able to use a professional camera to practice their skills by taking photos at school events. See Ms. Malara in Room 219 or email Ms. Malara for more information at emalara@neacademy.net.

Media Arts Club

Meeting Time: Tuesday & Thursday @ 3:30pm in Room 120 or the Auditorium. Students learn script writing, operating the camera, editing, and performing. Contact Mr. Wilkins for more info at dwilkins@neacademy.net.

Military Club

Meeting Time: 2nd Wednesday of every month @ 3:10 pm in Room 103. Students will explore all the possibilities of a career in the military. Contact Ms. Heineman for more info at theineman@neacademy.net.

EA Dance Ensemble

MUST Contact MS.RAMOS: Meeting Time: Monday - Friday: 3:30pm – 6:30pm in Room 118. Students learn genres such as Contemporary, Modern, Ballet, Jazz, hip-Hop, African and Latin Dance. Contact Ms. Ramos at tramos@neacademy.net.

Boys to Men

MEETING TIME: Wednesday during 9th Period in Room 101. Students discuss the responsibilities of maturing into a gentleman. Topics include, but are not limited to finances, effective communication skills, how to be a leader in your community and home. Contact Mr. Duran for more info at cduran@neacademy.net.

Knitting & Crocheting

Meeting Time: Tuesday & Thursday during 9th Period in Room 208. Students will have the opportunity to learn how to create hats, scarves, blankets, etc. by knitting. Please contact Mr. Phillips for more information at jphillips@neacademy.net.


Meeting Time: Thursday at 3:15 pm in Room 218. This group serves as a support group as well as an educational group to learn more about the LGBTQ+ community and how to navigate difficult and sensitive topics. Please contact Ms. Wingert at lwingert@neacademy.net for more information.

English Speaking Club

Meeting Time: Thursday during 9th Period in Room 218. Students will practice their English speaking skills in a comfortable environment. Contact Ms. Wingert at lwingert@neacademy.net for more information.

Youth United in Christ

Meeting Time: Thursdays at 3:15 pm in Room 213. Students will discuss Biblical principles and what it means to be a Christian. Contact Mr. Gonzalez for more information at sgonzalez@neacademy.net.

AMLA (Music)

Meeting Time: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday @ 2:45-5:00 pm in the AMLA Space in the Middle School. STARTS OCTOBER 13TH. Music and non-music majors will be able to learn how to play a variety of instruments as well as learn theory.

Auto Mechanics

Coming soon!


Coming soon!
