You must fill out a permission slip to participate in any 2024-2025 after-school club. Please contact the Main Office or Mr. Jerrick Medrano (jmedrano@neacademy.net) to request a permission slip. If you have any other questions, please email Mr. Medrano.
- Drama Ensemble
- AMLA (Music)
- Student Council
- Wyld Life
- Game Club
- Arts and Crafts Club
- Chess
- Fitness
- Film
- Dance
- Movie Club
- Anime
Our Sports
After school is a time for students to dig even deeper into their interests. Read below to view our offered sports. If you have any questions, please email Mr. James Dailey (jdailey@neacademy.net)
- Bowling
- Cross Country
- Flag Football
- Volleyball
- Girls Basketball
- Boys Basketball
- Baseball
- Softball
- Track
Outside Sports Programs
As part of a growing number of programs partnering with Esperanza to offer a wide berth of opportunity to our student-athletes, Esperanza has been working with the SquashSmarts program hosted at the Lenfest Center. We are proud to partner with Squash Smarts to offer this exciting connection.
What is SquashSmarts?
SquashSmarts is a free, intensive out-of-school program changing the lives of Philadelphia’s public school students. SquashSmarts works with 7th-12th grade students who are selected based on commitment, effort and attitude, not athletic or academic ability. Operating out of two facilities, the Lenfest Center (North Philadelphia) and Arlen Specter US Squash Center (West Philadelphia), students attend practices three days each week focusing on SquashSmarts’ Four Pillars: (1) Academic Support, (2) Squash & Fitness, (3) Camps & Leadership, (4) Service to the Community. Students also participate in competitive squash opportunities, community service projects, cultural outings and special events.
Esperanza Van Pick-up: SquashSmarts vans will pickup students at 2:30 pm outside the main door at Esperanza Middle School. Vans will depart at 2:45 pm for the Lenfest Center. At 6 pm, students will need to be picked up or walk home from the Lenfest Center.
For more information see Mr. Davis or reach out to the following contact information below:
www.squashsmarts.org | info@squashsmarts.org | Call – 215.221.6860
Squash Smarts Permission Slip | Squash Smarts Participation Form|
Squash Smarts Participation Form (Spanish)