For the 2024-2025 school year, we are accepting applications for Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 6th through 12th grades.
For the 2025-2026 school year, we are accepting applications for all grades, Kindergarten through 12th grade.
Apply Now
Applicants interested for the 2024-2025 and/or 2025-2026 school year should complete the application located here. To apply through SchoolMint instead, please click here.
Applicants may also download, print and mail their application or visit one of our Main Offices to pick up an application in person. If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact us at 215-457-3667.
Application Information
We look forward to welcoming you and your children to the Esperanza family. Please note:
- An application is not a guarantee of acceptance.
- Students are admitted depending on the number of slots that are available for each grade. Parents will be notified by mail as to whether or not their child has been admitted.
- If your child is not admitted and you are still interested in having him/her attend EA, you must re-apply for the next school year.
Below please find the Open Enrollment dates for the school year 2025-2026.
Esperanza Academy is holding Open Enrollment for the 2025-2026 academic school year starting Friday, July 1, 2024 thru Wednesday, November 27, 2024.
Lottery Date: Monday, December 16, 2024
- If you do not have access to a computer or mobile device, you can visit our office to complete an application on any school day between 9:30 am-2:30 pm.
- We have paper applications available in English and Spanish. Please contact us with questions or for more information: 215-457-3667.
- Only one application can be submitted per student.Changes cannot be made to the application after it is submitted. Unless contact information needs to be updated.
- It is the responsibility of the adult who submits the application to notify us immediately if there are any changes to your contact information. It is the responsibility of the adult who submits the application to ensure s/he receives a receipt from Esperanza Academy Charter School to confirm the application was received.
- Esperanza Academy Charter School creates separate waiting lists each year through the lottery process for each grade.
- Esperanza Academy Charter School does not carry waiting lists over from year-to-year. If a child is on the waiting list for the 2024-2025 school year and a space does not become available, the child’s name does not automatically go on to a waiting list for 2025-2026; The family must submit a new application for the 2025-2026 lottery.
- Esperanza Academy Charter School gives lottery preference to a child of a parent who has actively participated in the development of the charter school and to siblings of students presently enrolled in the charter school. Siblings must live in the same household, have the same parent/guardian, and both siblings must be enrolled at Esperanza Academy Charter School for the current academic school year. Families must submit a valid lottery application by the deadline to be eligible for sibling preference.
- Esperanza Academy Charter School cannot guarantee that a space will be available for siblings entering grades K-12, only that siblings will receive a preferred space on the waiting list.
- Any applications claiming sibling preference received after the lottery deadline will be added to the end of the waiting list.
- If a child is accepted for the upcoming school year through sibling preference, but the current Esperanza Academy Charter School sibling does not return to Esperanza Academy Charter School for the following school year and/or the family moves out of Philadelphia, sibling preference is no longer valid.
If a family is applying for more than one child, an application needs to be completed for each child and each child’s name will be entered individually into the lottery.
If/when Esperanza Academy Charter School reaches one of your family’s children on the waiting list, the other sibling(s) will be moved to a sibling waiting list; however, there is no guarantee that a space will become available for those siblings.
Esperanza Academy will notify in writing to the parents of students who were not chosen in Esperanza Academy’s lottery. Students not chosen in the lottery will be placed on the open enrollment waiting list and given a number. If any student chosen in the lottery does not respond in a timely manner or goes to another school and as a result creates an opening, Esperanza Academy will contact the next number on the open enrollment waiting list. If your number on the waiting list is reached, we will contact you immediately and expect you to respond within one working day.
If contacted, full acceptance is conditional upon completion of our school application packet, and your submission of all required documents. Also, proof of graduation from 8th grade (or current transcripts if entering grades 10 through 12) is required and must be made available to the registrar.