9th Grade – First Day Details


Greetings EA 9th Grade Students,

We are excited to welcome you to your first year at EA High School and honored to be part of your high school journey. Until we are able to receive our school community in person we will begin the 2020-2021 School Year virtually. All classroom sessions will be conducted live and students must attend with cameras on. In order to have access to our Zoom Sessions and Google Classrooms students must use their school-issued google email accounts. All other personal accounts will be denied access. See below for details on your 1st Day Schedule.

Wednesday, September 2nd: 1/2 Day Schedule (First Day for 9th Grade ONLY)   **Repeating 9th Grade Students DO Not need to attend  


Students will attend the Schoolwide Meeting held by the Directors of Student Development using the link provided. Reminder you will only gain access when logged into your school authenticated google accounts.

The Virtual Room will be available at 8:05 am.  The meeting will begin at 8:15 am.

Morning Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86464306138?pwd=TFlPMTlpQUE3eDdRS216Y3k5Q3NCdz09

Classroom Time:

You will be able to connect with your teachers by visiting your Google Classroom. Your teachers have invited you to their classroom. Be sure to Click “JOIN.”  You will find the Zoom Links available there as well as your classroom material.

Having Issues with your device? Send an email to helpdesk@neacademy.net,

contact the school’s office at 215-457-3667 EXT 2200,

or email your assigned Director of Student Development.


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High School – First Day Details