Our Nationally Recognized Athletic Administrator


Jason Davis Obtains the CAA

We are very proud of our Middle School Athletic Administrator, Jason Davis. He has been nationally and locally recognized for his hard work as an excellent administrator and has passed his certification to join the NIAAA as a Certified Athletic Administrator. He is pictured left when he received the award for the 2019 MPAA Male Sport Director of the Year.

Paul Rieser, the Assistant Administrator for the MPAA, stated that, “The Administration of the Metro Philadelphia Athletic Association would like to congratulate Jason Davis on obtaining the third level of national certification with the National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association. Jason’s leadership as Director of Bowling and Cross Country this fall helped to make the inaugural seasons a success. MPAA Commissioner Mike Poplowski holds Jason in high esteem, ‘Jason is a rising star in the Philadelphia area as an Athletic Director. He is always finding ways for our league to improve.’”

The National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (NIAAA) in a press release stated that they are, “pleased to announce that Jason Davis, MS Athletic Administrator at Esperanza Academy Charter School, has been recognized by this association as a Certified Athletic Administrator.

To earn this distinction, Jason has demonstrated the highest level of knowledge and expertise in the field of interscholastic athletic administration. The voluntary certification process included a thorough evaluation of the candidate’s educational background, experience and professional contributions, as well as a rigorous, comprehensive written examination.

Jason is one of an elite group of interscholastic athletic administrators nationwide to attain this level of professionalism.

The NIAAA is a national professional organization consisting of all 50 state athletic administrator associations and more than 12,000 individual members. It is dedicated to promoting the professional growth of high school athletic administrators and preserving the educational nature of interscholastic athletics and the place of these programs in the secondary school curriculum.”

We are so grateful to have Jason Davis on staff here at Esperanza. He goes above and beyond for our students from running early morning intramurals to staying late to do whatever is necessary for our athletics teams to have the best experience possible. We echo MPAA Commissioner Mike Poplowski that Jason is always finding ways to help us improve and is the forerunner in making that change happen. Congratulations Jason on your certification!

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