Hi families!
If you have been having problems with P-EBT (the benefits to buy food to make up for the school meals missed during remote learning), you can submit an inquiry through the DHS P-EBT Inquiry Form. Click this link for the form: https://forms.juvare.com/forms/eb604f74-e01c-463e-82ea-04c416a5c9c5.
Please tell fill out as much information as possible, and be aware that it may take a couple of weeks to hear back because DHS has been flooded with thousands of inquiries and is simply very behind in responding. Also, filling out the form repeatedly will not get an answer sooner, it will only slow things down since staff has to review inquiries individually. We know this is frustrating!
We highly recommend families use the online form because it will provide DHS the information it needs to look into the student’s eligibility and where any problem may have occurred. But, there is also a call line (484-363-2137) that goes straight to voicemail right now. Families are asked to leave a message with the following details:
- Names of your child(ren)
- Child(ren) date(s) of birth
- The School District they attend
- Contact phone number
- Contact email address
- Current mailing address
- A brief description of the issue
All parent or guardian inquiries regarding the P-EBT fund should be directed to the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) Customer Service Line (484-363-2137); or the web form available at https://forms.juvare.com/
The DHS P-EBT website: https://www.dhs.pa.gov/
- All inquires must be submitted via the Inquiry Form or Resource Line. Inquiries are responded to in the order in which they are received. Parents or guardians should not submit duplicate inquiries as it will delay the resolution process.
- Parents/guardians can check their P-EBT benefit amount online via: http://www.connectebt.com/.
Todas las consultas de padres o tutores con relación al fondo P-EBT debe dirigirse a la Línea de Servicio al Cliente del Departamento de Servicios Humanos de Pensilvania (DHS) (484-363-2137); o el formulario web disponible en https://forms.juvare.com/
El sitio web del DHS P-EBT:
ofrece información de contacto, fechas importantes, respuestas a preguntas frecuentes, etc.
• Toda consulta debe enviarse a través del Formulario de consulta o línea de recursos. Las consultas se responden en el orden en que se reciben. Los padres o tutores no deben presentar consultas duplicadas, ya que retrasará el proceso de resolución.
• Los padres /tutores pueden verificar el monto de su beneficio P-EBT en línea a través de: http://www.connectebt.com/