Update on Jefferson’s Future Health Professions Program
This week, we caught up with our students thriving in the Jefferson’s Future Health Professions Program. Every Wednesday, they have been meeting at Jefferson University from 4-6 pm, and they have been busy! They had the opportunity to dissect a pig heart while learning about blood flow and the anatomy of the heart. Pig hearts have very similar anatomy to our human heart. They also compared several human hearts to see the presence of disease.
They have practiced for job interviews, learned about grants and scholarships, and practiced writing emails with professional email etiquette. Their pharmacology session included a discussion about how painkillers work and why opioids are incredibly addictive. They have learned a lot and still have quite a few sessions until they wrap up in March. The students all mentioned how much they have enjoyed the program. One student, Katherine Sernoff, particularly liked the networking opportunities. She said, “You meet new people and have a connection with them and different schools around the city.”