Tips for Learning at Home


Congratulations on finishing quarter one! Let’s get quarter two off to a strong start. It is important to take some proactive steps to help you stay happy, motivated, and organized. We hope these ideas help you! One of the best things to do is to take it one day at a time!

  1. Get a planner. When you are feeling overwhelmed, it helps to see your assignments in smaller chunks. Instead of having the pressure of handing in multiple assignments with vague due dates floating around in your head, write each assignment down and check your planner often. Now you can see exactly when your assignments are due, and it will give you relief to see that you have time to do it!
  2. Make healthy snacks to keep you energized and to make you smile. We have three snacks here that we thought looked pretty tasty.
    1. Peanut Butter Apple Nachos
    2. Veggie Roll-Ups, Granola Balls, and Watermelon Pizza
    3. Raspberry-Banana Soft Serve
  3. Go (take your dog) for a walk. Getting outside can sometimes immediately brighten your mood. Fresh air and a new perspective combined with a little bit of exercise is the perfect pick-me-up after online learning. Plus, if you have a pup to tag along with you, it is even better! Wear your mask and be safe!
  4. Don’t be isolated. Staying home and staying safe can cause us to feel isolated. While it is still important to social distance and wear our masks, it is also important to have times to connect with friends. Even if it is just a fifteen minute FaceTime with a friend, make sure you aren’t doing life alone!
  5. Have fun! Take time every day to do something that is not about school, chores, or work. Whether it is drawing, cooking, photography, playing the guitar, bouncing the soccer ball, make sure you do it! Having fun is not a waste of time, it is investing in your happiness, and you are so very important!

We would love to hear your tips on distance learning as well. DM us on Instagram at or on Facebook at to share your favorite tips with us.

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